AA Tex Lawn Company

AA Tex Lawn Company
Nature Inspired. Service Driven.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Community Outreach… AA Tex Lawn and Habitat for Humanity

As stated on their website, "Habitat for Humanity International is founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live." AA Tex Lawn is proud to have an opportunity to give back to our community by working on a Habitat house in our area. In conjunction with Matthews United Methodist Church, a house was constructed in the Rainbow Ridge area of Matthews, NC.  On March 9th, 2011, a crew from AA Tex Lawn provided the finishing touch by donating and installing the landscaping for the house to complete the project.
Our portion of the project included multiple factors. This Habitat house is certified as a LEEDs (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) house by the U.S. Green Building Council. LEEDs is a rigorous certification process that includes a precise framework to ensure that the structure is built to be "green", keeping the environment and natural resources in mind. To facilitate that goal, plant selection was crucial. We chose drought tolerant plants in an effort to cut down on water usage necessary to maintain plant life. It was also important to provide the new homeowner with a landscape that was easy to maintain. And lastly, we wanted it to look good… to be something to make the homeowner proud.
AA Tex Lawn donated the materials and manpower to accomplish the task. Our tasks included:
  • Grading the soil
  • Seeding the soil with fescue seed and putting down straw to keep it in place
  • Installing plants and shrubs including: junipers, firepower nandinas, yaupon hollies, and crape myrtles
All and all, it was a day well spent. We are privileged to be involved in a program that will give a worthy family a fresh start.

The AA Tex Lawn Team