AA Tex Lawn Company

AA Tex Lawn Company
Nature Inspired. Service Driven.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Here Comes the Parade…

Is there anything better than a parade? The decorated floats, the marching bands, the singing groups, the horses… the excitement of the kids seeing Santa for the first time of the year! What a kickoff to the holiday season! AA Tex Lawn is very excited to have the opportunity to participate in two parades this year. We will be pulling the Union County Neighborhood Leaders Forum float for the Union County Christmas Parade and also for the Indian Trail Christmas Parade. AA Tex Lawn in a proud sponsor of the UCNLF, an organization whose goal is to share, inform, educate, and communicate with HOAs and other neighborhood leaders so that they may build and maintain thriving communities.

The annual Union County Christmas Parade is this Sunday, November 21st, beginning at 2pm. The parade will proceed along a two mile route, running through historic downtown Monroe, down Sunset, Hayne, Franklin, Church, Jefferson, Main, Lancaster, and Washington streets. The parade is sponsored this year by Union Smart Start, a non-profit organization aimed at giving the children of Union County a brighter future. For more information, see their website at http://www.unionsmartstart.org/.

The 6th annual Indian Trail Christmas Parade will be held on Sunday, November 28th at 2pm in downtown Indian Trail. It is sponsored by the Union West Rotary Club. The Grand Marshal this year will be James Boyd Crump, a distinguished veteran of World War II.
Join us for the fun and look for the UCNLF float, pulled by our truck. Hope to see you there!
The AA Tex Lawn Team