AA Tex Lawn Company

AA Tex Lawn Company
Nature Inspired. Service Driven.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


June beetle larvae (grub)
If you are like me, grubs are not something you want to think about.  Let’s face it…  They are not going to win any cuddly animal contests.  You may think they are harmless, after all, they don’t bite like fire ants or sting like bees.  However grubs can do serious damage to your turf.  What are they and how do you know if you have a grub infestation? 

Grubs are the larvae of beetles.  If you had Japanese beetles in your yard last year, chances are they have laid eggs in your lawn.  These eggs grow to be larvae (or grubs) which eat the grass.  Grubs are a sub-surface feeding insect, meaning that they feed below the ground as opposed to a surface feeding insect like an army worm. Knowing the life cycle of a grub is the most important part of understanding grubs. There are six different types of beetles that are most commonly found in our area and they all have different types of grubs. For the most part, though, they have the same lifecycle.

Grubs will feed a little bit in the late spring before turning into their adult stage beetle. Typically you see most grub damage in the months of September and October. Putting down an insecticide at the right time can help reduce damage to your lawn from the beetles. The most common beetle we encounter is the Japanese beetle. As you probably know, Japanese beetles will attack your shrubs in June. If you have a nice lawn and notice a lot of Japanese beetles in your plants this summer, there is a good chance you could have an infestation of grubs. Beetles will lay their eggs in thick healthy lawns so that they can properly feed before burrowing deep in the soil for the winter.

We apply an insecticide that would be both a curative (kills active) and a preventative. It works by killing all active grubs in the lawn as well as create a barrier below the surface that would kill the larvae before they are able to surface and feed on your lawn. Over time, continued applications for grubs will help to control the beetle population on your lawn. This is beneficial not only for your lawn, but your shrubs as well. 

Grub Damage in Lawn

To receive a free analysis or to sign up for service call our office at 704-821-0708 or visit our website at:  www.aatexlawn.com


The AA Tex Lawn Team