AA Tex Lawn Company

AA Tex Lawn Company
Nature Inspired. Service Driven.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bermuda Maintenance

We talk a lot about fescue maintenance, but what about bermudagrass? This hardy, native warm season grass grows in the summer months and goes dormant during the winter. There are many positives to a bermudagrass lawn. It is drought tolerant, loves the heat (which will cause fescue to go dormant), and spreads to fill in bare areas. To get the most out of this turf type, a little maintenance goes a long way. Here's the AA Tex Lawn schedule for a great looking, bermudagrass lawn.

  • Mid Winter -Solu-cal and spot weed control. Solu-cal helps neutralizing soil pH and allows the grass to intake the nutrients provided.
  • Early Spring - Pre-emergent, fertilizer, and weed control to assist the control of late spring, summer (i.e. crabgrass) and broadleaf weeds.
  • Mid Spring - Quick release High nitrogen fertilizer and spot weed control.
  • Early Summer - Slow release High nitrogen and spot weed control.
  • Late Summer - Slow release High nitrogen and spot weed control.
  • Mid Fall - Pre-emergent and broadleaf weed control- helps prevent winter annuals (i.e. poa annua).
  • Late Fall - Cool season weed control.

With our hard clay soils, it is also important to aerate annually to relieve compaction and to allow all three of the important elements to get to the root zone: water, nutrients, and air. We aerate bermudagrass mid spring before the growing season begins in earnest.

If you live in the Charlotte area (Matthews, Indian Trail, Mooresville, or surrounding areas of North Carolina or the Lancaster, Rock Hill, or Indian Land areas of South Carolina) and want help maintaining your lawn, give us a call. We've got a 7 Step program that can assist with making your turf weed free, well fed, and healthy.

With maintenance and regular fertilization, you'll be amazed at the lawn you can have!


The AA Tex Lawn Team